Realization of audits (technical, quality, environmental)
for tanners, leather users and stakeholders which have their own audit protocols. (Examples: LWG Audit, Chromium VI origin and any other quality topic which needs an independent analysis of the process.)
Technical assistance :
- Identification of quality solutions on leather and on leather's end products.
- Support in the creation and improvement of quality and environmental management systems.
Elaboration of tailor-made's technical contents for tanners or leather users (classics and exotics leathers).
Realization of training and awareness on leather manufacturing and its constraints (technical, chemical, mechanical, environmental).
Passionate by material's chemistry and mechanic, I am an Engineer from ITECH Lyon with the specialties leather and textile materials.
My graduation in General Management from IAE Lyon, brings me an accurate view on key issues of the general management of companies.
After having spent twenty years working in the luxury
industries for leather manufacturers and leather users, I have created AL2T Consulting.
Leather business require daily rigor, adjustment and reactivity in order to manage to create highly qualitative products. Aware also that environmental issues and linked with the security of the supply chain are crucial, I bring my expertise and provide your company audit, consultancy and training services.

We study any other request in total independence and confidentiality.